Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Ina ewhen Sueretha": I am Christian

All throughout high school and in the beginning of my college career I would constantly be asked the most closed-minded question;

         "Why don't you wear that 'thing' on your head?"

That "thing" is actually called a Hijab which is a head dress that is worn by Islamic women after they have started their menstrual cycle to symbolize their womanhood and modesty. Most women can decide to wear it and others it is dependent on the country they live in.

The reason this question is so hurtful is because of my religious standing. I was born and raised into a Catholic family. My parents were part of the 2% of Christianity that was left in Iraq. Chaldeans were slowly leaving Iraq due to the disrespect that their dictator had on their religious views and churches. I remember the sorrowful stories that my parents would tell me about how their family and friends' churches were bombed. Recently, my mother lost her childhood church and the priests of that church because of a vicious bombing.

You see, another reason my parents came to this country was for religious freedom. Being Catholic is one of traits that I hold so strongly and couldn't imagine my life without my religious views. They define me as a person and the way I act in everyday life.

When people would ask this question without even thinking twice, it confuses me. I understand I have dark skin, eyes and hair but that doesn't need to stamp my religious views on my forehead. Imagine if someone assumed you were Jewish or Atheist without even getting a chance to understand who you are or where you come from.

I wish that people would think twice before they speak and also not assumed that all stereotypes are correct. This is where my culture has its downs but I also think it’s because of the culture America has supported. I love America and I hope that in generations to come, citizens can become more aware of others and the great, culture-rich tossed salad that we, American citizens, are together.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! It amazes me that people are THAT rude! Honestly, if you hadn't told me that you were Iraqi-Chaldean, I would not have known. Yes, I see dark hair and eyes and gorgeous olive skin, but that doesn't mean that you're of Middle Eastern descent.

    Anyways, I think that it's such a cool witness that you have such a rich cultural background as well as a strong Christian faith. I hope that you are able to breakdown stereotypes that people have about the Iraqi people. It makes me sad that people assume different is bad. I also hope that someday Americans will not assume certain stereotypes based on a person's country of origin. You're great, Monica! :)
